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Saturday, March 17, 2007


I bowled shittily again this week! The last three weeks, I've just not been having much of a good time at it. I get into slumps, and it's hard to get out of them.

My bowling buddy, Diane, and I are flying up to Bangkok on Monday. We've been talking about it for quite some time, and decided last week that the time was right now. So, we booked our non-refundable flights and hotel room. While we were at bowling, we asked other gals who've been there what kind of stuff we should check out while we're there. Teresa actually lived there a few years, so she had lots of info for us including "dressing appropriately". We weren't clear on what the appopriately part meant.

I got home to see this headline on page 14 in the Straits-Times:

Thai haze causes surge in respiratory illnesses
Patient numbers are up by 20 per cent in the north, says minister
I guess I'll be shopping for masks before flying up there.

1 comment:

mister anchovy said...

I work with a fellow who is nuts about Thailand. He and his wife travel there at every opportunity (he says it isn't nearly enough).