Return from Blogging Hiatus
My ever-so Way Hot Husband surprised me with a big trip to the U.S. I arrived just in time to celebrate our oldest son, Jim's, 25th birthday with him. Can he really be that old? Hell, Mom's only 42 according to my sister who is 40-freakin'-six! heh!
So, anyway, I apologize for not writing all of this time. I've actually felt guilty about it because I know I'm going to forget some things that I want to remember. I'm thinking this might be an appropriate time to do some bullets...
- My 5 sisters and I gave Mom and Dad a trip out to CA to visit my sister and her family. I feel a kindred spirit with my nephew in that he loves jazz and plays saxophone. After all of that stupid hullaballoo about the students who were deprived of the diplomas they EARNED -- only because they tossed beach-balls and other harmless goofiness, I was proud to learn that my nephew accepted his diploma IN BARE FEET! YES! I love it! That young man is special, yessirree! I'm sorry (No, I'm not really-- I'm being polite), but who the hell decided a high school graduation must be a solemn occasion -- bullshit! When our sons graduated, I felt like bopping beach balls too! Idiot administrative assholes.
- Suzy, WHH's sister, brought his mom down to see Jimmy and me in Indy. She was beautiful as ever and we were so happy to see her. Her pretty blue eyes just glittered when she saw us and she gave us the nicest hugs. She's the best mother-in-law a woman could ever have. We watched "Stranger Than Fiction" together, and she got a big kick out of Will Ferrell's apartment being demolished. Great movie, BTW, and yes, I cried -- all three times I watched it.
- WHH's brother, Skip, and his wife, Beth, drove over from Carlinville to see us too. I'm so grateful. There seemed to be so little time to visit anyone.
- Mom and Dad returned from CA and we had a bit of time to visit. We met Donna and Doug at their fav restaurant for dinner one night. The next day, Donna called in sick with a bad case of "sistoplasmosis" and hung out with Jennifer, Mitch, and me for the day. She's damn lucky to have the office manager as her husband too.
- I flew down to ATL to visit Patrick whom I hadn't seen in a year and a half. He was in the midst of moving from an apartment to a house. It was perfect timing... he moved stuff and I wore myself out cleaning his place -- something only a mom would do!
- I did get to visit with all my friends for a few hours anyway. Rebecca took me shopping one afternoon. I desperately needed some new clothes! Patrick was my DD so that I could have some beers with our friends at Jeffrey's.
- I went on a mission to buy new underwear at Dillard's -- having only 30 minutes before I needed to head to the airport to return to Indy. I always buy the same stuff, and so was able to enlist the help of a nice saleswoman there. I'm set for the next year now.
- Our niece, Alex, was my travel companion back to Singapore as a graduation gift from her mom and dad. We've had a fun time so far, and tonight we leave to go to the Berjaya Resort in Langkawi, Malaysia for a few days.
- I lost the USB cable to my camera, and I'm very upset with myself over that. Why do I keep losing it? Why does Olympus have to use non-standard size cables and memory cards?

Since my return to Singapore, I've been trying to catch up on the latest from my favorite blogs. Sadly, though, I found out through Avitable that New York City's Watchdog lost his 5-year old son, Puppy Monster, to a swimming pool accident. Amy, of Amy's Musings, created some graphics that can be purchased for $5 each through Avi's blog and 100% of the proceeds will be sent to NYCWD. The blogging community has come together in support of NYCWD and so far $2,600 has been raised. Please consider donating $5 to help him during this very difficult time.
Thanks for posting this. It really is such a tragedy.
Hi Diana.
Nice to have you back safe and sound, I was getting a little concerned at your absence from your blog page, now I know.
It sounds as if you had a pretty good time when you went ‘home’, always very enjoyable meeting up and visiting friends, relatives and family. - memories to be cherished hopefully supported with photographs, do we get to see any?
Your ‘I went on a mission to buy new underwear at Dillard's’ reminds me of the time I was stationed in Kenya and the occasions I returned to the UK on courses had to visit M & S - [leading UK department store] and purchase 18 new Bra’s and Panties for my wife, the only trouble was that I had to wash them all first to make them look as if they had been worn, reason - Kenya customs would charge import duty if they were new. I got some very funny surprised looks from the officials and the comments my mates said to me can’t be repeated here. Aha memories.
Thanks for the mention on your ‘Vesak Day and Other Randomness’
wow! A surprise trip? SWEET ASS!
Glad you had a fabulous time. :)
I've missed you, I've missed you and now I am so happy to seeeeee you!
welcome back!
let's do dinner sometime. nabil misses you.
What is so special about Dillard's underwear?
Avi... I sure wish that I could be of more help.
Mick... We have M & S here too, but I'm partial to Dillard's. I'm sure you took a lot of ribbing for having all that lingerie in your bags! ;-)
KG... Yeah, and we had another spur of the moment trip last week!
Hilly... I've missed you too! I've got a lot of catching up to do.
Shyanne... Sure thing. We're always up for going out with you and Nabil.
T[C]R... The first time I went to Dillard's to shop for undies, a saleswoman recommended I try their brand. She said that they're made by Bali. I don't know if that's true or not, but this brand lasts a very long time and I wash them in the machine.
Lucky! Another trip! I'm all jealous now. :D
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