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Friday, August 31, 2007


Avi, stole paid homage to Sheila, and posted pictures of his messy office. If you've read my blog for any time at all, you'll know that I drank the blue Kool-Aid and am obligated to emulate him.

To that end, I have posted pictures of our office. Take note, that the WHH's little corner is quite tidy. My stuff takes up the rest of this room. I am not tidy. I must have my things available at all times.

This phenomenon is only applicable to my office area (and if I'm employed, I am very tidy). If you look into my kitchen cabinets, I keep my cans lined up and in categories, my spices are alphabetized. My books? Since my first job was as a page in a library, all of my books must be alphabetized by author, unless that is, they're non-fiction. No, I don't do the Dewey Decimal System for non-fiction, but I separate them from my fictional books.

I have our medicines sorted according to category: stomach, skin, respiratory illnesses. Hey, it works for me!

Yeah, I'm a slob in my office, but I can usually tell you where everything is, kinda. Kinda -- only because we moved 6 months ago and I didn't unpack everything. A lot of things are MIA, and I'm not going to search for them now.

So, what does your desk look like?

You can click the images to enlarge them.


Donna said...

My side is neat. His is not. I posted pics once. It was embarrassing.

I'm also a day late (well, technically 5 but who counts?) and a dollar short and forgot to say Happy Birthday! I suck but it's not my fault. I can't help being a self-absorbed bitch.

Avitable said...

He has an Aeron chair, too? I have one, and it's my favorite desk chair of all time.

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

tpfkama... You're not a self-absorbed bitch, you're a sweetie! I've seen the beautiful things you've knitted and crocheted for friends. BEAUTIFUL! Hey, no worries -- it's still my birthday month. Thank you!

Avi... yeah, I got it for him last Christmas. I am not allowed to touch it -- only look ;D

RW said...

Gosh! My recipe! Well this has inspired me to post mine.

Don't fall asleep when you see it...

asha said...

I keep a pair of binocs on my desk too. Must have it handy at all times to keep track of goings on in the Bird Park. Your desk looks great. Mine is a mess but I also try to contain it to my own space however I have this little problem of setting things down then forgetting where they are. Not good.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to show you mine desk is totally organized and his two desks are like, holy crap!

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

Sheila... Honestly, Avi's "office" looks more like one of those rental storage units! So, yeah, from the pictures I've seen, we're all neat and orderly :D

RW... You know I love those ships and the border that you selected (I'm impressed). Just to prove that I can be organized (I'm compulsive about a lot of things, just not my desk) I'm going to make up a 4 x 6 recipe card of
RW's Onion Bakers". hehe

Asha... I'm a newbie bird-watcher, at least in Asia. It's amazing the colorful birds I see flying around here. Especially now that we're at tree-top level. I see a lot of Mynas, Black-naped Orioles, and I think Pink-necked Green Pigeons. There are a couple of Mynas that I think are "married". Everyday, I hear them chattering and carrying on at each other. They like to bathe down at the swimming pool. I'll try to get a picture sometime.

Hilly... This is a fun meme, but I've got a feeling you're going to make RW look "messy"! LOL!

BlondeBlogger said...

There is no way in h, e, double hockey sticks I am posting a photo of my desk! I am not that brave! LOL

Suzi said...

I'm going to do this tomorrow. I was scared to until I went over and looked at Avitable's. Frightening. But I'm glad to know *someone* has a messier desk area than mine!

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

BB... Aw, c'mon it'll be fun!

SJ... I know, I felt like I was "Martha Stewart" after seeing his "office". heh

Kyra said...

Now my desk is actually a shared one with hubby. But he likes to make piles everywhere, like a squirrel. It's disturbing. I think if it were my desk alone I wouldn't need all the cabinets to hide everything... or at least I can claim that. ;)

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Mine is my coffee table, for the most part. I have a desk, but I rarely use it for work!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the lip gloss, and how do you write on the screen like that you geek? So fun.